CUNA Mutual Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance

Credit Insurance may make your loan payments when you can’t.  Life can be wonderful, but it can also get complicated when unexpected things happen. Protecting your loan payments against disability or an unexpected death could help protect more than your finances. It could help lighten the burden for the people you care about. Insure your loan payments today so you can worry a little less about tomorrow. 

Credit Insurance is designed to fit your needs.  We offer single or joint coverage options for Credit Life and Credit Disability.  Credit Life is designed to pay off or reduce the outstanding eligible loan balance for a protected life event, up to the policy maximum.  Credit Disability may make monthly insured loan payment(s) up to the policy maximum in the event of total disability due to a covered injury or illness.  

Protection is totally voluntary and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan.  The premium is included in your monthly loan payment.  Enrollment is easy.  Visit with one of our loan officers for more information.  

SUNY Fredonia Federal Credit Union 2024