The Annual Meeting is your chance to connect with the Credit Union volunteers, staff and other credit union members. During the meeting, learn from our credit union leadership about our past year’s performance, members elect the volunteer Board of Directors and Credit Committee for the credit union, congratulate the scholarship winners and the meeting will conclude by giving away over $1,000 in amazing door prizes and raffle drawings. The annual meeting is one of the many benefits of credit union membership.
Officer Elections
The election of the Board of Directors and Credit Committee is part of the annual meeting, and as a member/owner, you have the right to participate in this election. To be eligible to vote, you must be at least 18 years of age, a member in good standing, and have at least $5.00 in your regular share savings account. Voting takes place during the annual meeting.
Nominees to fill open positions: The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates interested in running for the available Board of Director and Credit Committee positions, each for a three-year term. Board and Credit Committee members serve on a volunteer basis. Join our team and help the Credit Union continue to grow, help our members and community all while gaining a greater knowledge of the finance industry! Any Credit Union member in good standing is eligible to seek election. If you are interested in running, please contact the Credit Union before April 30th, so we can get you in contact with the Nominating Committee.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, SUNY Fredonia FCU hosted the 49th annual credit union membership meeting in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Williams Center on the SUNY Fredonia campus. Over 200 members attended! Doors opened at 4:30pm to give members time to sign in, purchase raffle tickets and begin dinner service. The menu included Roast Beef on Weck sandwiches, Turkey sandwiches, Fresh Fruit, Vegetable Platter, Mixed Green Salad, a loaded Nacho Bar, a Mac and Cheese Bar, dessert and beverages. The meeting began at 5:00pm with Board President’s message and introduction of the Board of Directors. The Credit Union Manager introduced the staff and volunteers and presented the Manager’s Report. Board and Credit Committee elections were conducted and the election results announced. Three scholarships were awarded to local high school seniors. The meeting concluded with giving away the door prizes and drawing the raffle ticket winners.
SUNY Fredonia Federal Credit Union 2025