Shared Branching

We Have Joined Forces!

The SUNY Fredonia FCU has joined forces with the InnerLakes Federal Credit Union’s Silver Creek branch to form a shared branching partnership!

The InnerLakes branch is located at 232 Central Avenue in downtown Silver Creek. They operate Noon – 5pm, Monday through Friday. SUNY Fredonia Credit Union members can visit the Silver Creek branch to conduct certain transactions which include cash and check deposits (no limits; check holds may apply), cash withdrawals and check cashing (verification and limits apply*).

InnerLakes FCU will have transaction slips for our members to complete for the transaction. Please bring your current picture ID with you and a document that shows you are a member of SUNY Fredonia FCU (a recent receipt, bank statement, etc.)

*If you visit InnerLake’s branch during business hours that coincide with ours, you can withdraw up to $500 or cash a check up to $500. If it is outside our business hours, these amounts drop to $200. Transactions made at the Silver Creek branch outside our office hours may be posted the next business day.

SUNY Fredonia Federal Credit Union 2025